Category Archives: DRC

Mirna Kabwe

Mirna Kabwe is a 22 years old born in the DRC but based in Johannesburg South Africa. She is currently a third year student at the University of Monash studying computer sciences. She enjoys writing and listening to poetry. One of her poems was published in Sakaza Mngani (A Kidz Community Radio Handbook) in 2007.

Mwila Mambwe

Mwila Mambwe sought refuge in South Africa, after fleeing the war-ravaged country of his birth. Originally from Lubumbashi, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, his personal journey of strife and overcoming adversity finds expression in his poetry, most notably in the compilation Coming from the Struggle.

Jamala Safari

Jamala Safari is a writer and a poet based in Cape Town. This DRC native has been writing since the age of 12. He is the author of a collection of poems called Tam-Tam Sings. His debut novel The Great Agony and Pure Laughter of the Gods is a story about 15 year-old Ristro and his journey through the war-stricken Congo.